African Development Bank Shares Milestones and Lessons Learnt During Administrative Tribunal's First 20 Years

1 August 2018
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The African Development Bank marked the 20th anniversary of its Administrative Tribunal with a forum held at the Bank's headquarters in Abidjan.

The 28-29 June 2018 forum focused on the theme "International Administrative Justice and International Organizations: Overview and Prospects". At the opening ceremony, Bank President Akinwumi Adesina paid tribute to the Tribunal and said it was set up to channel conflicts and to best ensure the protection of staff rights in line with Bank rules and international best practices.

Since its inauguration on February 9, 1998, the Tribunal has recorded 105 judgments. They include cases of fraud, corruption, performance evaluation, position classification, payment of entitlements, irregular or wrongful dismissal, requests for interpretation or review of judgments, non-compliance with Bank rules and regulations, harassment and discrimination.

Dignitaries from other international organizations including Giuseppe Barbagallo, President of International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal; Nkemdilim Amelia Izuako, President of United Nations Dispute Tribunal; Chris De Cooker, President of NATO Administrative Tribunal, and Louise Otis, Chairman of the Administrative Tribunal at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; attended the forum.

The panelists provided recommendations to address issues related to access to administrative tribunals, disciplinary sanctions, applicability of human rights under international administrative tribunals, alternative modes of dispute resolution and best practices.

"Let us remember as we celebrate this 20th anniversary that the Administrative Tribunal is a forum of last resort and therefore all internal administrative review remedies must be followed unless there is an exception," "the President of the Administrative Tribunal, Justice Salihu Modibbo Alfa Belgore said.

"And to the management of the Bank, let us always respect internal rules to the latter," Belgore added.

For more information on the Administrative Tribunal, visit:

Watch President Adesina's welcome message

The 20th anniversary forum in photos:

Welcome Speech, Celebrating our past and looking toward the Future

Session 1: Access to the Administrative Tribunal for the employees, consultants and short-term staff of the international organization

Session 2: Comparative Analysis of disciplinary sanctions by international administrative Tribunals

Session 3: Alternative Modes of Dispute Resolution in international organizations

Session 4: Applicability of human rights in international administrative Tribunals

Session 5: Round Table Discussions: Best practices and jurisprudence of International Administrative Tribunals.

Concluding Remarks

Closed Session

Dinner at Sofitel Hotel

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