Canal + Launches B2B Distribution In Africa

16 November 2018
Content from a Premium Partner
35Nord (Paris)
press release

Johannesburg, november 16th - THE CANAL+ Group announces the launch of THEMA DISTRIBUTION, a new business activity of CANAL+ INTERNATIONAL, in charge of the distribution and sale of audiovisual content in Africa and internationally.

The creation of THEMA DISTRIBUTION is part of the Group’s strategy to develop African content on all media, and in particular content produced or acquired by Group channels. Indeed, CANAL+ channels and A+ in Africa are playing a key role in the African production and co‑production of a number of programs — including movies, African TV series and short comedy TV series — that THEMA DISTRIBUTION will now spread throughout the continent and beyond.

THEMA DISTRIBUTION therefore has a rich and varied catalog of content produced or co‑produced by CANAL+ and A+ at its disposal, as well as plenty of acquisitions. The catalog currently consists of over 800 hours of shows and content of all genres, from Africa and abroad, of high quality and reputation, such as:

  • Premium SCRIPTED SERIES co‑produced by CANAL+
  • INVISIBLES (2018)
  • SAKHO & MANGANE (2018)
  • AGENT (2019)
  • Popular African SCRIPTED SERIES co‑produced by A+
  • Capitales Africaines Collection (2018)
  • Ma grande Famille, season 1 (2017)
  • 2 Couples, 1 Foyer (2018)
  • Kings Casino, seasons 1 and 2
  • L’empire des Namané, seasons 1 and 2
  • Short comedy TV series co‑produced by CANAL+
  • Cyberdébrouille
  • Barbershop, seasons 1 and 2
  • Chéri Coco, seasons 1 and 2
  • Kongossa telecom

  • Movies
  • Nairobi Half Life, by David ‘Tosh’ Gitonga (Germany, 2012)
  • Price of love, by Hermon Hailay (Ethiopia, 2015)
  • Ayanda (South Africa, 2015)
  • Between Friends (South Africa, 2014)
  • Happiness is a four-letter word (South Africa, 2016)
  • And documentaries
  • Mandela, my dad and me
  • Girls don’t fly
  • Papa wemba le roi de la Rumba
  • Marley Africa Road Trip
  • La Vallée transformée

Thanks to this attractive catalog, African channels — but also broadcasters in France and French overseas territories — will have access to a new source of quality content.

With the launch of THEMA DISTRIBUTION, the CANAL+ Group is reinforcing its position as a major player in the African audiovisual landscape while participating more specifically in the promotion of high‑quality African productions.

For over 25 years, CANAL+ is present in more than 25 countries in Africa, with 13 subsidiaries and over 50 partners and distributors.
Thanks to its LES BOUQUETS CANAL+ packages, (with over 200 channels, including radio and services), the Group is the first pay-tv operator in French-speaking Africa. CANAL+ screens 17 premium channels for the African continent and has launched A+, the African TV series channel,  NOLLYWOOD TV, NOLLYWOOD TV EPIC and NOVELAS TV. CANAL+ also tailors programs for its subscribers in Africa, with TV shows such as +D’AFRIQUE, RÉUSSITE, TALENTS D’AFRIQUE…)

Press contact 

Press relations Agency
Joanne Stacy Eyango

Hala Saab
Direction de la Communication

Solenne Anthonioz
Direction Chaînes et Contenus

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