ECA Supports Member States Develop Afcfta Implementation Strategies, Says Biha

21 November 2018

Kigali — The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is working with member States on the continent to ensure they make the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) a reality, says Deputy Executive Secretary, Giovanie Biha.

Addressing the 22nd Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) in Kigali, Rwanda, Ms. Biha said the ECA was helping countries across the continent to develop national AfCFTA implementation strategies.

"And we will be setting up national dialogues so that governments, civil society and the private sector can come together to discuss the way forward," she said, adding building a consensus behind the AfCFTA was the only way to achieve its implementation.

She said the national strategies will complement the broader trade policy of each country and identify key trade opportunities, current constraints and steps required to take full advantage of the AfCFTA. The national strategies will also provide guidance on how to set up AfCFTA national implementation committees.

Capacity development on gender mainstreaming to advocate for gender-sensitive implementation of the AfCFTA is also crucial, the Deputy Executive Secretary said.

"The AfCFTA is a tremendous milestone when it comes to Africa's trade policy. We believe that successful gender mainstreaming in the national AfCFTA project will create concrete and sustainable impact on the ground in the pilot countries, and at the same time encourage and show the way forward to other African signatories," said Ms. Biha.

She said with the AfCFTA, Africa was set for new horizons.

"To reach this horizon we want, more efforts are needed; ratify the agreement, implement it, and put in place the necessary reforms to enable the economic transformation we are looking for," the ECA Chief said.

She said the AfCFTA's success depended on to what extent it delivered for more marginalized groups.

"The AfCFTA is an extremely ambitious project. For it to truly deliver on these transformative expectations, it will be necessary to ensure that the benefits are indeed shared. This includes a special attention on gender equality, among other issues of inclusiveness, in the AfCFTA process," said Ms. Biha.

She also spoke on the importance of statistics for monitoring of the AfCFTA; women and digital trade and related issues.

At least 49 African countries have signed the AfCFTA with 12 having ratified since March it was historically unveiled in Kigali, Rwanda. Twenty-two ratifications in total are needed to enable the agreement to go into force.

ICE2018 is being held under the theme: Implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area in Eastern Africa: From Vision to Action.


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