South Africa: 'Abominable' Former Tax Chief Moyane Loses Big in Court Battle

Former SARS Commissioner Tom Moyane (file photo).
11 December 2018

Cape Town — The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has dismissed an application by Tom Moyane to have his sacking from the South African Revenue Service overturned, Fin24 reports.

President Ramaphosa axed Moyane based on a recommendation by the SARS Commission chaired by Judge Robert Nugent and the former commissioner's "reckless mismanagement" of the revenue service.

According to City Press, Judge Hans Fabricius had sharp words for the former revenue service chief, calling his behaviour during the application "abominable". He added: "It is clear from my judgment that the conduct of the applicant [Moyane] in these proceedings is particularly reprehensible – it is vexatious and abusive. Both the office of the president and the third respondent [retired Judge Robert Nugent, who heads up the Sars inquiry] have been insulted and defamed without any reasonable cause."

The court also dismissed Moyane's bids to block retired judge Robert Nugent from submitting the final report of the Sars Commission of Inquiry, and to prevent President Cyril Ramaphosa from appointing his successor.

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