Launch of the African Women Leadership Fund (Awlf) Online Platform

26 June 2019

The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is pleased to launch the online platform for the African Women Leadership Fund (AWLF). AWLF is an innovative impact investment fund with the vision of empowered women financial leaders as integral to a prosperous Africa. This will be accomplished by developing the next generation of women fund managers to deliver inclusive growth on the Continent.

According to the ECA, a significant gender funding gap exists in financing women fund managers and women entrepreneurs in Africa. If addressed, tapping into the gender opportunity will increase economic output, job creation and prosperity in Africa.

The fund addresses UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5: Gender Equality and 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth aimed at first time fund managers through the Emerging Manager Seed Capital programme or experienced women fund managers through the Fund-of-Funds programme.

An accompanying technical assistance facility will fund solutions to structural barriers for inclusive investing such as:

For fund managers: capacity building, direct mentorship, warehousing/ guarantee financing programmes

For entrepreneurs: formalisation of agricultural cooperatives at scale, the use of technology as an enabler in health/ education businesses, institutionalisation of financial processes and governance

Who is this for? The online platform aims to facilitate the identification of talented and aspiring women fund managers along the following broad categories:

Women fund managers, with a track record seeking to raise a fund

Women professionals working in existing funds, banks, NGOs, incubators, accelerators, multilaterals, corporates and various public and private sector bodies

Women who have graduated with degrees in finance, business or other related areas

Women entrepreneurs who have a good understanding of venture-backed investments

Women angel investors who have had experience in investing in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or early stage businesses

Apply or learn more here: or

For queries, contact:

Ngone Diop


Gender Equality & Women's Empowerment Section

Gender, Poverty and Social Policy Division (GPSPD)

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel: (+251) 11 544 5070

Contact by email

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