Rwanda: Gospel Singer Comes Out of the Closet

Gospel singer Albert Nabonibo reveals he is gay
29 August 2019

Cape Town — Singer Albert Nabonibo has caused a stir on social media after revealing that he is gay.

Nabonibo came out on a Christian YouTube channel and is ready to face the backlash, but he wants people to know that "being gay is normal", reports BBC. "In fact, there are many like me, even in churches, the fact is that they hide it because of the mentality of the faithful and the community and for their safety."

The singer said that he hid his sexuality for years, and he has faced some negative reaction since coming out.

"Some people have insulted me, some have called me foolish and others called me stupid. But there are some who understand me - like my brother who has always encouraged me to be who I am."

The gospel singer says that he will continue to "sing for God", despite the negative reactions.

Nabonibo is reportedly the first gospel singer to come out in Rwanda.

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