ECA, Itfc Partner to Increase Trade Between Arab and African Countries to Generate Growth and Employment

26 November 2019

The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) signed today an agreement to step up their cooperation in support to economic and social development as well as trade among their member countries.

The agreement builds on ECA and ITFC's strengths and strategic priorities to foster regional integration and promote sustainable and inclusive growth. It will enable both organizations to increase joint activities in areas such as support for the operationalization of AfCFTA, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), strengthening private sector and SMEs and developing regional value chain as well as supporting the economic empowerment of women, youths and minorities.

ECA seeks to promote sustainable and inclusive economic and social development by supporting the acceleration of structural transformation and regional integration, and by promoting international cooperation for Africa's development. ECA's work is guided by the visions and priorities articulated in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) programme.

Communication Team

Economic Commission for Africa

Office for North Africa

Tel: +212 (0) 537 548 749


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