37th Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

10 February 2020
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Addis Ababa, February 8, 2020 – The NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC) provides leadership to NEPAD, sets policies, priorities and its programmes of action. The 37th Session of the HSGOC was convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the side-lines of the 33rd African Union Summit, Chaired by H.E. President Macky Sall of Senegal.

H.E. Macky Sall called upon H.E. Gilbert Houngbo the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to present a statement of support. H.E. Houngbo remarked that IFAD has been and will continue to work for rural transformation in Africa by focusing on farm and non-farm activities and pledged support to AUDA-NEPAD.

In his opening statement, H.E. President Macky Sall expressed gratitude for the confidence placed in him during his tenure as Chairperson of the NEPAD HSGOC, in promoting development on the African continent.  He pledged to continue combatting the perception of risk in investing in Africa, illicit financial flows and weak contract negotiation which lead to social inequalities.  The President of Senegal then congratulated Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of AUDA-NEPAD and his team for working tirelessly to achieve prosperity and social wellbeing on the continent.

During the session, the President of Rwanda H.E. Paul Kagame was unanimously elected as the new Chairperson of the NEPAD HSGOC.

The outgoing Chairperson, President Macky Sall expressed his confidence in the incoming Chairperson, President Kagame. In congratulating him, he stated that President Kagame has the full competencies to continue supporting NEPAD towards Africa’s transformation.

In response, President Kagame committed to deliver on the expectations required as Chair and thanked President Sall for his exceptional performance during his tenure as Chairperson of the HSGOC.

“The transformation of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency into AUDA-NEPAD is affirmation that NEPAD is the right vehicle to drive transformation on the Continent,” President Kagame said.

“I am counting on President Macky Sall's and Dr Mayaki's support and will continue to seek their counsel beyond their service period,” he added, announcing that AUDA-NEPAD and the African Union Commission will be much stronger delivering as one.

The new HSGOC Chairperson also affirmed that Dr Mayaki and AUDA-NEPAD have been doing an outstanding job in supporting and driving development projects in Africa and concluded that he looks forward to his new role.

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Media contacts

African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
Mwanja Ng’anjo
+27 11 256 3582

About the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD

AUDA-NEPAD is the development agency of the African Union, coordinating and executing priority regional and continental development projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realisation of Agenda 2063 – Africa’s vision and action plan. It is mandated to strengthen capacity of Member States and regional bodies. www.nepad.org


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