Tunisia to Host the Regional Capacity Building Workshop for the Northern African Countries On Geospatial Information Management

19 February 2020

Addis Ababa — Tunisia will host a regional capacity building workshop for the Northern African countries to raise awareness and improve countries capacities in the production of geospatial information. The workshop is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with the Government of Tunisia through the Office of Topography and Cadaster.

The objectives of the meeting are to create awareness and enhance the capacity of Member States to produce and utilize geospatial information and enhance the skills of young female geospatial professionals.

It's expected that the workshop will contribute to improve and strengthen national geospatial information management, system and capacities, particularly, the production, provision and application of timely and reliable geospatial data for African countries. The workshop will help in meeting the needs of national strategic and development priorities as well as the national implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Among the many issues for consideration during the Workshop, special attention will be given to the organization and management of national geospatial data and information systems including: institutional and legal frameworks; core or fundamental datasets; geodetic positioning infrastructure and reference frame; sharing and dissemination of quality geospatial information; approaches, methodologies and tools towards strengthening national geospatial information management, systems and capabilities; facilitating an accessible, integrative and interoperable local-to-national-to-global information systems that supports the implementation of national development agendas, evidence-based policy and decision-making, and monitoring of the sustainable development goals.

This three-day workshop will discuss the current status, challenges, and way forward for future implementations.

The recommendations from the meeting will help to guide the countries in fast tracking the implementation of their geospatial work and participation in the regional and global effort towards the integrated geospatial information framework.

Heads of National Institutions or Authorities in charge of mapping and geospatial activities within Northern African Countries, high-level experts selected from academia, research institutions, and the private sector, especially young females, partners, and other stakeholders in the sub region actively involved in the area of geospatial information are invited to this workshop.

This workshop is organized with the financial support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund of the United Nations Peace and Development Fund (UN-PDF).

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