Pay Customs Duties More Conveniently

28 August 2020
Content from a Premium Partner
Ecobank (Lome)

Pay customs duties more conveniently - Pay direct from your phone via the Ecobank Mobile App; - Pay via Ecobank Omniplus, our Corporate Internet Banking platform; - Pay at any of our branches and pay points at the ports including Aflao, Takoradi, Elubo, Long Room, Safebond, James Town, Aviance and KIA Arrival Hall.

Find out how

Ecobank now gives you three easy ways to pay Via the Ecobank Mobile App 1. Download the Ecobank Mobile App from Google Play Store or App Store and activate the App using your ATM card or online banking details

4. Select Government

2. Open the Ecobank Mobile App

8. Key in your Email Address to receive an e-receipt for the transaction

5. Select UNIPASS Custom Duty Collection 6. Select Account to Debit 7. Key in Invoice Amount

3. Select Pay Bill

9. Enter 18 Digits Bill Number from the UNIPASS generated invoice 10. Click Continue 11. Confirm the system populated information tied to the Bill Number 12. Press continue to Verify and authorize payment with PIN.

Via our Corporate Internet Banking platform (Omniplus) 1. On the Menu Bar, select Payments - Click on Payment Center.

- Click on Batch Payment.

2. Select Bills Payments under payment type on the Batch Payment page and GRA Ghana Customs Duty Payment (UNIPASS) under Payment Package.

3. In the Create Bill Payment page; - Select Sending Account - Select Government in the Biller Category field,

- Select UNIPASS in the Biller Name field.

- Select UNIPASS Custom Duty Collection in the Biller Product field.

4. Input Bill Number eg: TMA1-G-40620055968-01 in the Bill No field, then click on Fetch Bill.

- The bill information will be displayed on your screen.

- Now click on the Verify button to confirm.

- Then, click on Submit to proceed.

5. When the final authorizer clicks on Approve and then Send, the client's account is debited, and CEPS notified of the payment in real time.

At Ecobank branches and pay points at all the major ports 1. Customer generates a bill number from the UNIPASS platform and present 18 digits Bill Number with amount to the Bank Teller

2. Customer is issued with a receipt after the transaction is processed successfully.

For more details, call toll free on short code 3225 or on 0302 213 999 (normal charges apply).

3. Customer Confirms Receipt Number and payment details on the receipt.

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