ECA Trains Tunisian Leaders On Use of Iprt Tool to Facilitate Development Monitoring

5 October 2020

Tunis — The Economic Commission for Africa and the Directorate general for multilateral cooperation at the Tunisian Ministry of Economy, Finances and Investment launched on Monday 5 October a two-day workshop on the Application of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Toolkit (IPRT).

An ECA sponsored web application, the Integrated Planning and Reporting Toolkit (IPRT) was launched in 2019 in support to African countries seeking to integrate Agenda 2030 (the Sustainable Development Goals) and Agenda 2063 into their national development plans and assess their countries' progress against these international commitments.

To do so, the IPRT provides countries with a one stop shop to align their national development plans with their international commitments and monitor the progress made against their national goals and targets as well as the goals and targets of Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063, in an integrated and harmonized manner, said Ahmed Al-Awah, head of the ECA IT Strategic Advisory Unit

According to Khaled Hussein, the Director a.i. of ECA office for North Africa "The IPRT tool has been designed to enable our partners in Tunisia to assess their national progress against each SDG indicator and target, monitor the evolution on a monthly and yearly basis and compare the progress made with other countries using the IPRT tool".

"Tunisia has been working hard on implementing the SDGs and Agenda 2063 but COVID19 is having a significant negative impact on the economic and social situation in the country, which has led our team to carry out a reassessment of national targets and priorities this September. This workshop will enable us to build linkages with both international development agendas, especially when it comes to monitoring and contextualization", said Belgacem Ayed, Head of the General Sectorial and Regional Development committee and Tunisian focal point for the monitoring and implementation of Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063.

More than 18 African countries have benefited from ECA trainings on IPRT since 2019, including Cameroon, DRC, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Seychelles and Uganda. In North Africa, similar trainings are scheduled to take place in Mauritania on 7-8 October 2020 and in Algeria, Libya and Sudan in 2021.


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