What: Webinar: 2021 Outlook - The new normal and how financial institutions can continue to offer responsible financial services
Who: Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A), partners
When: 21 January 2021, 13:00 GMT (14:00 Cotonou, Paris, Frankfurt, Douala, Kinshasa)
Where: Online
The webinar is the second in a series of four sessions being hosted by Making Finance Work For Africa (MFW4A) and the Internationale Projekt Consult (IPC), Horus and Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement (IECD) Consortium, within the context of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Financial sector programme for West and Central Africa.
Under the theme, 2021 Outlook: The new normal and how financial institutions can continue to offer responsible financial services, discussions will center around business recovery and operating in the "new normal."
The participants, mainly banks and microfinance institutions from West and Central Africa, will discuss the main challenges they face in providing financial services to MSMEs. They will also learn from representatives of the African Development Bank and the European Investment Bank about how to more effectively support clients in these volatile times.
The Panelists are Nana Araba Abban, head of Consumer Banking, Ecobank, Ruben Dieudonné, Regional Director, West and Central Africa, Baobab Group and CEO of Baobab Côte d'Ivoire, and Olivier Edelman, head of the EIB's Microfinance Unit. The sessions will be moderated by Hugues Kamewe, Financial Sector Advisor, MFW4A and Jean-Claude Thetika, CEO, FPM (Fonds pour l'Inclusion Financière), DRC.
The webinar will be held in French, with simultaneous translation into English.
Media contact:
Solange Kamuanga-Tossou | Communication and External Relations Department| African Development Bank | Email: s.kamuanga-tossou@afdb.org
Technical contact: Tonie-Mai King-Andrews