Africa Information Highway (Aih) Live Exchange #session 5

6 April 2021
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

What: Africa Information Highway Live Exchange 5

Who: African Development Bank, Open Data Watch and partners

When: Wednesday, 14 April 2021, 12.00-13:45 GMT

Where: Virtual

This session will provide an opportunity to learn about international open data rankings and how African countries can improve their positions. It will provide participants with clear and specific guidance on leveraging the power of open data platforms.

It will consist of a series of presentations from the Bank, its partners and two target countries - Nigeria and Zimbabwe - on how they are using their AIH portals to improve their data openness. The Bank team will present an update on AIH activities that can help countries improve their open data rankings.

The webinar is co-organized by Open Data Watch, an international, non-profit organization of data experts working to bring change to organizations that produce and manage official statistics. Open Data Watch will introduce participants to the concept of open data and their ranking system and highlight success stories in Africa.

The AIH Live Exchange is a free monthly webinar to discuss data management and data dissemination topics. It is also a platform for countries to share their experiences on the use of their open data platforms.

Register here to participate.


AIH Live Exchange #Session 5

Moderator: Rafik MAHJOUBI, Senior Data Expert, ECST.1, AfDB




12.00 - 12:05



Division Manager

Economic and Social Statistics Division (ECST.1) and OIC Director

Statistics Department, AfDB

Presentation from partner

12:05 - 12:25

State of Open Data in Africa


Open Data Manager - Open Data Watch

Presentation from countries

12:25 - 12:55

Open Data in Africa: Nigeria's Experience


National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria

Open Data in Africa: Zimbabwe's Experience


Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency

Summary of feedback from participants

12:55 - 13:20

Open Data in your countries: Challenges & Best Practices



Statistics Department - AfDB

Presentation from AfDB

13:20 - 13:35

How open data platforms can help countries improve their ranking in data openness.


Statistics Information Systems Officer

Statistics Department - AfDB

13:35 - 13:45

Wrap-up of the session



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