The Ubuntu Tribe (TUT) , company focused on natural ressources tokenization , has signed a collaboration framework with Smart Africa Alliance . Smart Africa Alliance is a Panafrican Initiative endorsed by African Heads of States, mobilizing and repr esenting 31 African governments. The partnership specifically aims to cooperate and collaborate towards enhancing , expandi ng and facilitating blockchain ( distributed ledger technology ) in Africa , in particular assets tokenization as a driving force to the acceleration of digital economy.
The collaboration involves amongst others strengthening capacity and awareness on distributed ledger technologies among government and business leaders . The partnership shall also include deployment of recommendations, programs and projects supporting Smart Africa’s contribution to a Panafrican Digital Assets Policy Framework .
From a content perspective, TUT will emphasize in particular on tokenization of natural resources awareness (particularly gold) as a means to wealth creation and leapfrog into digital economy for African Nations . TUT envisages to pilot the deployment of its gold tokenization services in a few member countries of Smart Africa Alliance with a view at a later stage to further scale among other member countries. All member countries of Smart Africa Alliance represent a market exceeding 7 5 0 million people. Africa holds 45% of the global gold deposit. Gold has proven to be a stable and valuable asset across human history regardless of geographies and civilizations. Over the past 20 years gold has gained 500%.
Lacina Koné , Director General of Smart Africa, said, “Smart Africa is pleased to welcome TU T in to the Smart Africa Alliance. Our vision is to t ransform Africa into a single digital market and partnering with TU T will help us achieve our goal. Smart Africa strongly believe s in tech nology driven innovative solutions that can solve African problems, because only then can we help Africa leapfrog into the 4IR and be competitive on the global market. ”
Mamadou Kwidjim TOURE , Founder & CEO of TUT , added “ It was pleasure to meet and enga ge with Ministers o f member countries and p artnering with Smart Africa Alliance . This is a major step forward for TUT in terms of endorsement and commitment to the digital transformation of the continent. Africa is rich in natural resources, tokenizi ng and providing universal access to gold in particular is a unique opportunity to interconnect 1.3 billion people through trade and include 1.3 billion brains and talents into the global economy through digital innovations . We hope to re-establish a balance and truly provide equal access to opportunities regardless of wealth at birth or place of birth .
About TUT
T UT democratizes digital ownership of gold and set up a 100% gold back ed digital token (GODL ) . GODL is a digital gold certificate available on mobile phones from as low as Euros5 cents. Leveraging on the liquidity, global acceptance and stability of gold, the company offers greater ease to unbanked population in Africa and other emerging markets to wealth creation, financial inclusion access to global economy . The gold backing of GODL will be sourced mainly across Africa via ethical and environmental friendly mining processes transparently tracking gold digitally from ground to vault enabling improved standard of living to local mining communities.
About Smart Africa
Smart Africa is a bold and innovative commitment to accelerate sustainable socioeconomic development on the continent and usher Africa into the knowledge economy through affordable access to broadband and usage of ICT.
The Smart Africa alliance brings together heads of state who want to accelerate the digitalization of the continent and create a common market. Launched in 2013 by seven African Heads of State at the Transform Africa Summit in Kigali, who jointly adopted the Smart Africa Ma nifesto, the Alliance now has 3 1 memb er countries, representing almost 7 5 0 million people.