Africa Climate Week

22 September 2021
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

What: Africa Climate Week

When: 26-29 September

Who: Hosted by the Government of Uganda, in partnership with the African Development Bank and other partners

Where: Virtual

Africa Climate Week 2021 will provide a platform for representatives of African national and subnational governments, cities, the private sector, financial institutions and civil society to jointly discuss opportunities to integrate climate action into Covid-19 recovery efforts.

The ACW 2021 Virtual Thematic Sessions take the pulse of climate action in the region, explore climate challenges and opportunities, and showcase ambitious solutions. This is an important opportunity for African stakeholders to build momentum towards success at COP26.

The African Development Bank will host thematic sessions and side events alongside partner organizations of ACW2021, including the African Union Commission, UNECA, UNDP, UNEP, UNFCCC and World Bank Group. The thematic sessions form part of the African Development Bank's work as a member of the Nairobi Framework Partnership, which supports developing countries in preparing and implementing their plans to address climate change, called Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

Please find the virtual platform here

African Development Bank sessions

Opening Ceremony of the Africa Climate Week Thematic Sessions

Date: 27 September 2021

Time: 09:00-10:00 (GMT+3)

The African Development Bank will deliver opening remarks and present an Introduction to Track 2: Integrated Approaches for Climate-Resilient Development.

Session Title: Enhancing gender-sensitive and health adaptation responses in Africa

Date: Monday 27 September

Time: 18:00-20:00 (GMT+3 /EAT)

Format: Side event

Supporting organizations: African Development Bank, UNFPA and YOUNGO, the youth constituency to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The African Development Bank, through its hosting of the Global Center on Adaptation in Africa, has shown renewed commitment to scaling up adaptation and focusing on gender-sensitive adaptation strategies. The Bank is mobilizing resources and partners that can deliver success on this front. This session will outline how Africa's nationally determined contributions could integrate stronger gender-sensitive measures in adaptation actions.

Please find the agenda here.

Session Title: Advancing the design of long-term strategies

Date: Tuesday 28 September

Time: 18:00-20.00 (GMT+3 /EAT)

Format: Side event

Supporting organizations: African Development Bank & 2050 pathway platform

Governments across Africa are advancing work to formulate long-term strategies. Therefore, it is imperative to have a space to share approaches, tools, and experiences that can support national efforts. This event seeks to enable this exchange, facilitating peer learning and informing critical areas where support is required, particularly from development partners such as Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).

Please find the agenda here.

Session Title: Financing Africa's resilience against climate change

Date: Wednesday 29 September

Time: 14:00-16:00 (GMT+3)

Supporting organizations: African Development Bank, World Bank and Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) Africa

Africa requires policies and measures that contribute to adaptation action and crowding in private investments. This session will bring together public sector representatives, international organizations, the private sector and multilateral development banks in a dialogue on how financing for climate resilience can be brought to scale in Africa. The panel will discuss innovative mechanisms for mobilizing new and additional public and private sector finance for enhanced climate action towards Africa's low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.

Platform link: Social27 Platform

Format: Affiliate Event

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