African Development Bank Group - Global Community of Practice (G-Cop) Seminar

17 February 2022
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

What: 8th G-CoP E-Policy Dialogue - Managing Public Finance in Times of Crisis in Africa

Who: African Development Institute, the African Development Bank Group

When: 28 February 2022, 14:00-17:00 GMT for delegates from the Western Hemisphere: Africa, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and the Caribbean. 1 March 2022, 08:30-11:30 GMT for delegates from the Eastern Hemisphere: Indian Ocean Rim region, including Oceania and Asia

Where: Zoom (Click here to register for 28 February; Click here to register for 1 March)

Rationale for the Seminar: Africa's sustainable recovery from the fiscal impacts of Covid-19 largely depends on the availability and efficient management of affordable financing for inclusive development. Without these, the continent will not achieve the 2030 global Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, and Africa's Agenda 2063. Therefore, there is an urgent need for better-focused policy support for African countries within a framework that incorporates crisis management, post-pandemic resilience, and green recovery.

The 8thG-CoP seminar aims to draw lessons from previous and current pandemics and global shocks to inform policy actions by the Bank, African countries, and partners worldwide. The sessions will be conducted in an African fire-side discussion style. Chatham House Rules apply to all individual contributions.

The seminar will be followed by the inaugural session of a 3-day executive training program scheduled for 2 - 4 March 2022 for public officials representing government agencies, ministries and central banks. The training will focus on "Key Policy Tools for Managing Public Finance in Times of Crisis," and entails introductory courses covering the key pillars of the Public Financial Management (PFM) cycle delivered over 12-18 months to cohorts of trainees. Key areas to be covered include domestic resource mobilization; budget and expenditure planning and management (including performance-based budgeting and medium-term expenditure frameworks); debt management and sustainability (including debt sustainability analysis); fiscal policy forecasting and modeling; accountability and transparency (including governance, curbing corruption and illicit financial flows, strengthening supreme audit institutions and oversight functions); and strengthening PFM capacity for public-private partnerships. Successful trainees will receive certificates as PFM experts and shall form the first cohort of trainers to replicate the process in their countries.

Participating Institutions: The African Development Institute, African Development Bank Group; the International Monetary Fund; the Africa Training Institute; African Regional Technical Assistance Centers; West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management; Economic Research Forum; African Tax Administration Forum; African Capacity Building Foundation; African Peer Review Mechanism; Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative; Tony Blair Institute for Global Change; Pan African Federation of Accountants; African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions; the Brookings Institution, Murdoch University, Western Australia; Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; and several think tanks and universities in Africa.

Invited Speakers: Ms. Swazi Tshabalala, Senior Vice President, African Development Bank Group; Ms. Hassatou N'sele, Acting Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the Bank; Prof. Kevin Chika Urama, Acting Chief Economist and Vice President for Economic Governance & Knowledge Management; Participating Institutions; Past and current Ministers of Finance; Central Bank officials; Private Sector heads; global experts; and civil society.

You are invited to join the African Development Bank Group and its partners to discuss the innovative options for financing inclusive and sustainable development in Africa post Covid-19.

Click the links below to access the seminar's concept note;

English (click here)

French (click here).

The delegate registration form can be completed over the mobile phone using the QR code provided on page 10 of the concept note. The forms can also be completed online - (Click here ).


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