South Africa: What's Happening In South African News - February 23, 2021

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23 February 2022

Cape Town —  

Chris Hani's Killer Applies for Parole Again 

Janusz Walus, assassinated South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani at his Dawn Park home in Boksburg on April 10, 1993. Waluz, who has been applying for parole since 2011, has now approached the Constitutional Court to review Justice Minister Ronald Lamola's March 2020 decision not to approve his release on parole. Hani's widow  Limpho says she will never forgive Walus because he took the life of her husband, and ultimately, her daughter.

Judgement Reserved In Ace Magashule's Appeal on Corruption Arrest

The suspended Secretary General of the African National Congress, approached the Bloemfontein High Court on February 22, 2022 to appeal against his fraud and corruption arrest. The arrest stems from the irregular awarding of a tender for the removal of asbestos from roofs of buildings in the Free State, amounting to R255 million. Magashule has described his arrest as "politically motivated".

Batho Batho Trust Paid R15 Million to Ruling Party

Batho Batho Trust is a company with links to oil giant Shell - the firm the government supports for seismic exploration off the Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape. The exploration was brought to a halt in December 2021. Mineral's Minister Gwede Mantashe's appeal of the decision at the Makhanda High Court in Grahamstown was thrown out when the court ordered that the interim interdict issued in 2021, be upheld.

Govt to Remove Red Tape to Speed Up Infrastructure Projects

Currently, the national treasury's Budget Facility for Infrastructure has to approve infrastructure projects - a process that is causing delays. Public Works Minister Patricia De Lille has outlined a new Infrastructure Investment Plan, that will by-pass the current system. Infrastructure investment is key to stimulating economic growth and job creation, as outlined in the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. Submissions will be evaluated by the  Infrastructure Investment Committee which is chaired by De Lille.

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