[Visit the AllAfrica Women's Agenda page to watch the webinar and virtual panel which will livestream on March 7, 2022, 12h GMT]
AllAfrica Global Media is hosting a virtual panel on Gender Equality for a Sustainable Future - a continuation of previous annual covenings to mark and celebrate International Women's Day.
For this edition, AllAfrica highlights the challenges of climate change for women in rural areas, with a focus on farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Participants and panelists will discuss how gender equality can help strengthen the resilience of African countries by giving women access to land - in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. During COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, funding commitments for Africa were collected, with the aim of enabling the continent to meet development commitments by 2030.
This day of reflection dedicated to the rights of women and their development in today's society is an opportunity to recall the importance of their participation, which is widely considered necessary for Africa's development.
At this event, AllAfrica Global Media - through the AllAfrica Women's Agenda program - will highlight the capacity of sub-Saharan women to contribute to the sustainable development of the continent. The importance of economic empowerment and the education of young girls remains a priority for AllAfrica, as does the need to raise awareness and increase women's participation, as well as to challenge governments, financial partners and civil society stakeholders to act.
For more information, contact: Bacary DABBO - bdabo@allafrica.com or +221 77 538 92 46
[Visit the AllAfrica Women's Agenda page to watch the webinar and virtual panel which will livestream on March 7, 2022, 12h GMT]