South Africa: Lobby Group Wins Court Appeal to Stop R50 Million Govt Donation to Cuba

South African flag, Cuban flag, right
22 March 2022

Cape Town — Judge Brenda Neukircher has, in a written judgement at the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, granted lobby group AfriForum an urgent interdict to stop the government from giving Cuba a R50 million donation. Earlier in March 2022, International Relations and Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor described the donation as a "cash gift is in the context of reciprocity and historical friendship".

The court said "no harm would befall either party should the funds be withheld, until the finalisation of an AfriForum review application in which they will attempt to stop the government from making the donation, or for determining that the donation is unlawful and/or unconstitutional". The lobby group welcomed the judgment, saying it prevented the government's wasteful expenditure.

According to reports, Neukircher said: "None of the respondents could claim that they would suffer any harm were the R50 million donation to be put on hold whilst the matter was adjudicated on its complete merits.

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) and National Treasury were ordered to pay the costs of the urgent application.

AfriForum said the outcome was a bit unexpected seeing that last week, Judge Neukircher said their application was "premature".

The lobby group said that it pledges to continue its fight against outrageous and wasteful expenditure, which is squandering taxpayers' money.

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