South Africa: What's Happening In South African News - March 30, 2022

informal housing, govt logo, Prince Misuzulu, soccer net (file photo).
29 March 2022

Cape Town —  

Good News as Govt Makes Changes to Human Settlements Housing Subsidy

National Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi has made changes on human settlements subsidies and other portfolio issues, which include social housing adjustment of the qualification criteria of household income from R1 500 - R15 000 to R1 850 - R22 000 gross monthly income. This is good news for those people who could not previously qualify for housing under this model. MEC for Housing in the Western Cape, Teritius Simmers, said the  social housing household income qualification criteria adjustment will ultimately enable more citizens to access affordable rental opportunities and enable the department to initiate more social housing projects.

D-Day for Vote of No Confidence in President Cyril Ramaphosa, Cabinet

President Cyril Ramaphosa will face his first motion of no confidence today, brought by the African Transformation Movement (ATM) in 2020 but which faced delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic and court action by the party for a secret ballot. The ATM approached the Western Cape High Court to have the motion done by secret ballot but the case was thrown out. The party will not participate in its own motion. Meanwhile the opposition Democratic Alliance has called for a vote of no confidence in Cabinet. This will be voted on by roll call - where MPs are asked for a "yes" or "no" answer. The DA had previously asked Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Ngcakula for a secret ballot - a request that was turned down.

Calls for Delay in Coronation of Zulu King

President Cyril Ramaphosa has been called on to delay the pending coronation of Misuzulu KaZwelithini as the next King of the Zulu nation. The Zulu royal household has been thrown into disarray since the death of King Goodwill Zwelithini on March 12, 2021 and the  subsequent passing away of the Regent, Queen Mantfombi Dlamini - Misuzulu's mother - on April 29, 2021. Now the first born son of the late king,  Prince Simakade Zulu is requesting the delay, calling the president's recognition of Misuzulu "substantively flawed".

Bafana Bafana In 5-0 Drubbing By France

Bafana Bafana coach Hugo Broos said he was not embarrassed by the drubbing his team received at the hands of world champions France, in Lille last night. He however did bemoan the decision by French coach Didier Descamps, to play Killian Mbappe against them, instead of against Cote d'Ivoire on Friday! Mbappe gave Bafana Bafana a torrid time, scoring twice in the game. With a 5-0 scoreline it seems the South African side was let off easy.


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