South Africa: What's Happening In South African News - May 13, 2022

divorce, Google, beer (file photo).
13 May 2022

Cape Town —  

Good News for Spouses Married Out of Community of Property Who Want to Divorce

Thanks to a ground-breaking judgment in the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, the way has been paved for divorcing spouses, married out of community of property and without the accrual system, to be financially compensated for their contribution to the marriage.

The court this week declared section 7(3)(a) of Divorce Act 70 of 1979 unconstitutional in that it did not allow for a court to make a "redistribution order".

According to attorney Shani Van Niekerk, this extends especially to the women who have taken care of the children and household during the marriage, without earning an income.

More South African, African Languages Added to Google Translate

Google says it has added 24 new languages to Google Translate, including two more official South African languages, Sepedi and Tsonga. The update, according to reports, brings the number of languages available on Translate to 133, with seven of SA's 11 official languages represented.

Have a Beer, South Africa!

South African Breweries has assured beer drinkers that their Prospecton plant in Durban will be fully operational, after the KwaZulu Natal floods saw the plant under a metre of water and shut down.

SAB, which is owned by AB InBev, is the biggest beer producer in the country, with 400 million litres of product a year produced across its various beer brands such as Castle Lager, Castle Lite, Carling Black Label, and others.

SAB estimates that the cost of repairs at Prospecton would be in the region of R700 million.

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