Ethiopia: #asdailyscoop - New International Development Strategy Unveiled By UK Foreign Secretary

Addis Abeba — The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) unveiled a new strategy with regard to its international development policy in what has been deemed as a world increasingly affected by geopolitics'.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, outlined that the new strategy follows in accord with the long-established norm of the UK being an international leader vis-a-vis development and stated that its tenets of it run across four major goals: ' Offering sustainable investment, scaling up essential humanitarianism, supporting women and girls, and intensifying effort on climate change and global health challenges.'

The Foreign Secretary stated that they would present a different path to what it said were 'malign actors using economics and development as a way for imposing control, patronage while also causing economic coercion and political power by way of investment and debt' and use international development with determination. She also noted that the new strategy would pivot on national and bilateral programs as opposed to multilateral programs.

The UK has supported international development in the developing world for a long, offering 11.5 billion GBP for development assistance last year, FCDO was the largest constituent office amounting to a 72.3% contribution of this total aid.

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