Angola: President Announces Operation of First Photovoltaic Parks

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Lisbon - Angolan president João Lourenço announced Monday in Lisbon, Portugal, that the first photovoltaic power plants, in the country's centre and south regions, will start operating next July.

According to the Head of State, the first parks will be inaugurated and their power injected into the national grid in July.

João Lourenço, who was speaking at the opening session of the Summit on the Oceans, said that Angola was boosting the blue economy by strengthening inspection and regulation of the exploitation of marine resources.

He added that, as a country bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Angola is forced to develop initiatives and seek solutions that contribute to its use in ways that serve the interests of all.

President Lourenço said that in recent years the country had significantly reduced the burning of fossil fuels to produce electricity, favouring the production and transport of energy from hydroelectric sources.

João Lourenço recalled that Angola has made a great effort to train staff capable of helping the country to deal effectively and efficiently with issues related to the main situations around the oceans.

We are paying special attention to wetlands that are part of the marine and coastal ecosystem, with priority to the protection and conservation of these areas, through reforestation and mangrove conservation actions.

He underlined the campaign to plant, in eight months, a million mangroves along the entire Angolan coastline, carried out with the active participation of civil society, mainly young people.

He also said that as of 2024 Angola would start exporting green hydrogen, as it had already started taking the first steps with the signing of a contract with a large German company linked to the sector.

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