Angolan Government Guarantees Expenses With Former President

Luanda — The Angolan government is paying for the hospitalisation of former President José Eduardo dos Santos in a clinic in Barcelona (Spain), Foreign Minister, Téte António said Thursday.

The minister, who was speaking to TPA, also made it clear that the delegation accompanying him to learn about the state of health of José Eduardo dos Santos is not in Spain to guide doctors to disconnect the machines that ensure the assistance of the former Angolan president.

"When one arrives in these circumstances the decision is generally made by the family. On the other hand, we are Africans and we have a certain culture that does not lead to that point," said Téte António.

About the real state of health of the former President of the Republic, the Angolan minister said that these are details that "we cannot give", for whom he limited himself to fulfilling a mission guided by the Head of State, João Lourenço, to whom he will report all the information provided by the doctors.

The former President returned to Barcelona at the beginning of March this year to continue his medical treatment, which began in 2019.

José Eduardo dos Santos, 79-year old, came to power in September 1979, after the death of Angola's first President and Founder of the Nation, António Agostinho Neto.

He held office for 38 years, until September 2017, when he was succeeded by the current President of the Republic, João Lourenço.

Besides being President of the Republic, he was Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) and President of the MPLA, the party that has ruled the country since the proclamation of national independence on 11 November 1975.

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