Angola's President Mediating Role Highlighted

Luanda — Specialists in International Relations said that the African Union's invitation extended to the Angolan President João Lourenço to mediate the crisis between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) demonstrates the role of Luanda in promoting peace in the Great Lakes Region and the continent.

Speaking to Radio France International (RFI), last Wednesday, Osvaldo Mboco, a specialist in International Relations, believes that the request has to do with the contribution that the Angolan Head of State has given towards peace in Africa.

According to the university professor, the fact that Angola is, in recent times, the hub for political consultations on the continent also influenced the choice of João Lourenço.

Regarding the distinction of the African Union as "Champion of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa", Osvaldo Mboco highlighted the importance of the President of Angola in resolving issues related to the management and security of conflicts in Africa.

"Angola continues to be a turning point in terms of political consultations and the efforts of President João Lourenço in the Great Lakes Region, with the objective of pacifying the region itself, are noted, therefore, it is clear that he continues to be a valid interlocutor for these issues", stated Osvaldo Mboco.

He explained that the Angolan statesman has been able to listen to the various parties and has sought consensus within the framework of what are the security problems that plague the African continent.

In turn, the political scientist Olívio Nkilumbo said that the choice is nothing new, and João Lourenço, upon taking office, had already considered the conflict between Rwanda and the DRC as one of the priorities of Angola's mandate in the leadership of the Great Lakes Region.

The President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, was distinguished, last May, with the title of champion of peace, reconciliation by the African Union.

The title is the result of Angola's efforts, with João Lourenço leading the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) in the search for peace, dialogue and stability in several countries on the continent.

The distinction was made in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union.

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