Tanzania: Simba Signing Spree Gathers Pace

SIMBA continue to reshape their squad ahead of the eventful 2022/23 season as they have lately injected two new faces to make it competitive enough ready to bring back titles at Msimbazi Street.

They have sealed two deals of Nigerian midfielder Victor Akpan and Tanzanian striker Habib Kiyombo who are all set to begin new careers while serving for the Reds in the upcoming season.

Akpan had a fruitful stay at Coastal Union where he traded before being spotted by Simba whereas Kiyombo was parading at the relegated side Mbeya Kwanza hence the duo are looking forward to write new chapters of their footballing profession.

Meanwhile, Simba's Media and Communications Manager Ahmed Ally has described Kiyombo as a complete player with all deserved characteristics to trade at the club insisting that he was a big fish in a small pond.

The former Mbeya Kwanza net-burster became the first domestic player to be introduced by the Reds ahead of the jam packed next season expected to flag-off on August 17th this year.

He therefore has a big opportunity to showcase his potential at one of the reputable teams in the country as they eye to boost their squad to make it competitive before the commencement of next season.

"We have proved beyond reasonable doubt that Kiyombo is the type of players who can easily fit at our club and trust me, he is going to achieve a lot with Simba," remarked Ally.

He added that at Simba, Kyombo is going to meet polished players in the name of Pape Sakho, Peter Banda, Kibu Denis and John Bocco whom he said will simplify his scoring capabilities.

"If he managed to score a lot of goals at his former club under difficult environment, then expect him to do wonders at Simba because he will be surrounded with quality players," Ally noted.

He further disclosed that what compelled them to inject Kiiyombo in the squad is his sight on the target saying he knows how to poach goals and without doubt he will be a reliable asset for them.

"We are aware that teams which Kiiyombo played before did not do well but what I can tell is that he was a big fish in a small pond as such, he has arrived where he belong and people are going to be amazed with his performance," he said.

He then seized the platform to assure Simba fans that they should expect more good signings from their club as they want to improve their team by bringing on board classic players with hunger to achieve success.

Recently, the Reds unleashed Moses Phiri as their new striker set to bring new dimension at the club with their members and fans anxious to see how their team will bounce back next term.

After enduring a trophy less season, the ball is now in Simba's court to ensure that they resurface strongly and decorate their cupboard with new trophies as one way to quench the desire of the fans.


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