Angola: Politicians Bow to Memory of the Former President

Luanda — The Angolan political class paid tribute on Monday morning, in Luanda, to the former President of the Republic, José Eduardo dos Santos, who died last Friday at the age of 79, in Barcelona, Spain.

At a public wake in the Republic Square, in Luanda City's new boulervard, the ceremony began with the singing of the National Anthem, followed by the signing of the condolence book.

Dressed essentially in black and dark colours, politicians, magistrates, deputies, representatives of churches and the military class were present, conveying a sentiment of mourning and a recoil attitude.

Opening the Book of Condolences, the Head of State, João Lourenço, highlighted the role of his predecessor "in the most critical moments of the country", in the "defence of independence and national sovereignty".

The president of the Court of Auditors, Exalgina Gamboa, considered José Eduardo dos Santos a "Statesman of Angola and the world".

The Ombudswoman, Florbela Araújo, praised the fact that Mr Dos Santos had sacrificed his youth for the Angolan homeland.

The minister of State for Economic Coordination, Manuel Nunes, praised the determination of the former President of the Republic in defending the country's sovereignty and integrity.

The minister of State for Social Affairs, Carolina Cerqueira, underlined the fact that José Eduardo dos Santos had kept the country indivisible.

Carolina Cerqueira praised the firm leadership of the former statesman to affirm Angola in the context of the Nations, stressing that his legacy must prevail. The minister of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic, Adão de Almeida, highlighted the commitment to building a prosperous nation in the certainty that the legacy of the former Angolan Head of State must be followed.

Of the late President, he recalled the high management capacity in turbulent times and of guiding the people to continue the fight for the improvement of their living conditions.

General Pedro Neto, on his turn, valued the late statesman's commitment to a prosperous Angola for all its children.

Manuel Fernandes, the president of CASA-CE coalition, underlined the conciliatory and unity facet of the former leader.

General Higino Carneiro, one of the negotiators of the Lusaka peace accords, praised José Eduardo dos Santos as a politician, while the bishop of the United Methodist Church, Gaspar João Domingos, remembered him as a humanist. The prime minister of the first Republic, Lopo Ferreira do Nascimento, considered it to be a moment of sadness for Angolans and made his wish that the dream of a better Angola for all may come true.

MP Joanes André, former governor of the Zaire Province, recalled the role of the former statesman in the rehabilitation and construction of basic infrastructures.

The MP and former president of the opposition FNLA, Lucas Ngunda, considers José Eduardo a great son of Angola, rebuilder of the country and reconciler.

MP Agostinho Van-dúnem, spoke of a feeling of pain, but also of gratitude for the teachings on patriotism, peace and reconciliation.

Afonso Nunes, bishop of the Tocoist (Simão Toco) Church, said that President José Eduardo dos Santos deserves a proper tribute. Suzete João, from the Theosophical Church, asks God to console the bereaved family and that the death of José Eduardo dos Santos contributes to strengthening of peace and national unity.

To the minister of Culture, Tourism and Environment, Filipe Zau, goodbyes are always difficult to accept, because there is pedagogy for life and not for death. Filipe Zau highlighted his qualities as a statesman, diplomat and as a man connected to music and culture in general.

The minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, said he had learned a lot during his six years in the government led by José Eduardo.

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