Angola: Civil Service Admission Tops Parliamentary Debate

Luanda — Members of the National Assembly on Tuesday in Luanda discussed the criteria for entry into the civil service, focusing on internal and external public tender.

Following the Public Service Basic Law, under debate since Monday (11/07) with interventions from the Secretary of State for Public Administration, Vânio Americano, the parliamentarians unanimously agreed on the fifth chapter of the law, dedicated to this issue.

On the occasion, the Secretary of State elucidated that the admission tender aims at filling vacancies for the category of beginning of the career, and may be internal or external.

The internal tender covers the civil servants that have elevated the academic level, during the course of their work, and has the condition of elevating their category.

"The access tender is destined to fill a vacancy in the next higher category of the same career, being that the transition from one career to another only occurs in the internal competition", he referred.

About the external tender, Vânio Americano reiterated that it involves citizens without a bond with the organ or service of the Public Administration that triggers the opening of the competition.

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