Tanzania: Mapana - Minister Accords New Basata Boss

THE Minister of Culture, Arts and Sports Mohammed Mchengerwa has shown commitment to work with the National Arts Council's (BASATA) Executive Secretary Kedmon Mapana in implementing a major revolution in the arts sector with a view to boosting the country's economy.

While addressing this, he noted that despite the arts doing well as a ministry; they expect to achieve more than 20 per cent to 25 percent for economic growth.

"This is an area that has a great potential to offer a lot of jobs as well as to protect the rights of artists when performing in different concerts.

Meanwhile, he also commended President Samia Suluhu for appointing Mapana as BASATA Executive Secretary.

Speaking to the executive secretary, the minister said that the council is responsible for educating artists on how to adhere to Tanzanian values and patriotism including to consider the best language that should be used while entertaining in different concerts, and artists' outfits need to wear during entertaining as well as adherence to the country's values.

He also added that BASATA in collaboration with COSOTA, is responsible to protect the artist's rights by controlling the revenue and expenditure of the artists that are collected in the concerts.

"BASATA in collaboration with COSOTA needs to control the use of the revenues and the expenditures that are been collected when artists attend various concerts outside the country," said Mchengerwa

A way forward in the development of the arts sector, the minister said that the council is responsible to control the loss of money in various areas including posters and control the waste of money in the revenues which will make the country move forward progressively.

"The artists who move outside the country for the concerts must be given their rights due to the great efforts done by them waving the national flag.

" You as part of the council, have a responsibility to go and eradicate lost money, violent loopholes, and make equality to artists and remove the notion that exists that some artists are favored and others are not favored, " the minister added.

Towards making a revolution in the arts sector, Mchengerwa added that the registration system should be improved and make it automatic so that it will be easier for the artists who are upcountry to register.

"Every artist should be registered and the registration system should be improved so that the artists who are outside Dar es Salaam can be easier for them to register," said Mchengerwa.

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