Kenya: Waita, Suluhu Launch Manifesto in Battle for Machakos Governorship

Machakos — Machakos Governor candidate Nzioka Waita and his Deputy Governor-designate Florence Mwangangi popularly known as Suluhu have officially launched their manifesto as they seek to take over from Governor Alfred Mutua.

Speaking during the launch on Saturday, Waita urged Machakos residents to back their bid, saying their ticket presents a clear agenda for the people of Machakos.

Waita also took a swipe at his competitors who are yet to unveil their manifesto.

He said said his campaign had traversed all the 40 wards in Machakos coupled up with several meet-the-people tours to collect views which formed the basis of the manifesto launched on Saturday.

"We have gone across the whole of Machakos County and collected the views of our residents and what they want is development and not politics of poverty, and this is the team," he stated.

Waita's manifesto prioritizes health and education with the proposed addition of Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) classes and employment of 2,000 additional teachers and having at least one youth polytechnic in every ward.

He outlined their agenda for urban planning, saying that Machakos has the potential of achieving a city status and that they are committed to ensuring the ambition is realized.

"I want us to achieve Metropolitan status for Machakos by 2027, and receive the key for city status by 2032 and that will be achieved through proper planning and this is the team to actualize it," he stated.

Other agendas highlighted in Waita-Suluhu manifesto include agriculture, environment, ease of doing business in the county, as well as addressing the perennial water challenges facing the county.

Waita's running mate Mwangangi said their team presents competence, experience and integrity, and urged Machakos residents to vote them in.

"We served in the national government in various capacities and delivered, and with our experience I am sure we are going to deliver in the county of Machakos," stated Mwangangi.

Waita -- who is vying on a Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU) ticket -- will be battling for the Machakos Governor's seat with Wavinya Ndeti of Wiper, Johnson Muthama of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) and Francis Maliti of Maendeleo Chap Chap among others.

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