Kenya: Wavinya Firmly in Machakos Race After Court Upholds IEBC Verdict

Machakos — A Machakos court has dismissed an application challenging the validity of Wiper gubernatorial candidate Wavinya Ndeti degree certificate.

Justice George Odunga threw out the application by two voters who wanted the former Chief Administrative Secretary locked out of the Machakos governorship contest had failed to prove that Wavinya's degree certificate was fake.

Odunga stated that the petitioners also failed to prove that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Dispute Resolutions Committee erred in its decision to uphold her candidature.

In her defense, Ndeti said she holds a valid bachelor's degree, and as she claimed that the petitioners are bent on misleading the country.

While giving its verdict, the court cited a report by the court's Deputy Registrar confirming that Wavinya Ndeti had the pre-requisite academic qualifications from the South London University.

Wavinya faces stiff competition from former Machakos Senator and UDA chairman Johnson Muthama and former State House Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita and the current Deputy Governor Francis Maliti.

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