Kenya: Odinga Urges Supporters to Vote in Six-Piece to Give Him Strength to Run Govt

Opposition chief Raila Odinga (file photo).

Nakuru — Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga has asked his supporters to vote in six-piece to give him the numerical strength in parliament that he needs to run government.

Speaking when he kicked off five-day marathon rallies across six counties, Odinga stated that his concerns that his administration may be held frustrated by the William Ruto led Kenya Kwanza Alliance should they obtain a majority in the House.

"Don't just vote for me and Martha, include the other Azimio leaders. If you just vote for me and Martha, we will experience problems in running the government," he stated.

He said every vote cast is crucial in the presidential elections and urged residents to ensure that they turn up to the last man to vote for him and ODM candidates.

Deputy President William Ruto was in Kitui where he claimed that there is a chance that Odinga bewitched Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Speaking when he addressed a series of rallies in Kitui County, Ruto said that he was shocked when he saw Kalonzo agreed to drop his Presidential bid in order to support Azimio La Umoja Candidate Raila Odinga for a third consecutive election.

The Deputy President implored the Akamba community to rally behind his presidential bid, saying he was the ideal candidate, adding that he will not disrespect Kalonzo.

"If not for any other reason is that this person (Raila) has really oppressed the Kamba people and taken them to the opposition. I know Kalonzo does not like me, but I will still help him. Or this person (Raila) has bewitched him?" he stated.

Defending the decision to endorse Odinga's 5th stab at the presidency, Musyoka had earlier said he had negotiated with the community's interests in mind.

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