Kenya: Roots Party's Running Mate Wamae Mounts Spirited Defense on Marijuana Use

Nairobi — The subject of bhang dominated discourse in the tier one debate of the Deputy Presidential Debate that was an all female affair with the Roots Party candidate Justina Wamae defending their agenda on why the illegal commodity in Kenya should be legalized.

Wamae mounted a spirited defense on why their administration if elected in August would legalize the use of bhang in Kenya.

"The bhang that we are advocating for is for the one that has industrial hemp. industrial hemp is used in nine sectors," Wamae said.

The Roots Party Presidential candidate George Wajackoyah and Wamae have hinged their campaign on the legalization of bhang, a subject that has elicited mixed reactions in the country.

Wamae clarified that the bhang they are advocating for is one that has medicinal use to be precise the Cannabidiol or CBD and not the tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC that has psychoactive effects.

"Many products in the market especially those with medicinal use contain contents of bhang and so our idea is to drive the local economy through the use of bhang," she said.

During the debate, Wamae disclosed that she has never smoked the THC bhang and that she does not intend to start soon.

"I have never taken Bhang and I will never take bhang. Let me tell you Zubeidah, we are here to open markets in Kenya," she said. "Many people have mental challenges because of high cost of living, not Marijuana. I have never smoked bhang and I will never smoke bhang."

Wamae however, regretted that many Kenyans continue to misunderstand them on the use of bhang which she underscored has tremendous economic benefits if utilized.

"With bhang as Agano we are going to to purify the scarcity mentality and the bad impact of corruption, colonialism, tribalism because all those things are spiritual and we are going to purify them with the use of bhang," she said.


Agano Party Deputy Presidential candidate Ruth Mucheru faulted Wamae and her party's agenda noting that it is a populist agenda which should not be tolerated at all costs.

"I do not believe anything Wames is saying and I want to urge Kenyans to ignore them and their agenda," she said.

Wamae alleged that the illegalization of bhang in the country was triggered by the developed countries who never wanted third world countries to prosper.

"We are telling you the truth and question us after one year," she said.

Agano Party Presidential candidate Waihiga Mwaure has in the past blasted the Roots Party agenda describing it as "demonic" and asked Kenyans to shun them.

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