Kenya: Karua Brands Ruto as a "Dishonest Leader" Who Should Not Be Trusted

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja – One Kenya Deputy Presidential candidate Martha Karua has branded Deputy President William Ruto a dishonest leader who should not be trusted.

While referencing the fallout between Ruto and his boss President Uhuru Kenyatta, Karua stated that “holding an office without serving is dishonesty”.

The Head of State and his deputy have been at loggerheads for months now ostensibly after the former joined forces with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in March 2018.

“Entertaining disagreement outside government and publicly is disruptive,” Karua said during the second tier of running mates on Tuesday.

Karua accused Ruto of lacking principle hence his decision to continue to syat iun goivernment despite his bitter fallout with his boss.

“For those who do not understand principle they can never envisage resigning but I do think it is dishonest to continue to take public salary, to take the privilege and all that goes with office when you know, you can no longer deliver either because of differences or because of other things,” she said.

She diclosed that when she diasgreed with former President the late Mwai Kibaki she resigned respectfully without causing anyt drama or being involved in a public spat.

“I respectively withdrew myself by resignation from Kibaki’s government in a respectful manner no name calling such that we were able to continue when we meet to sit down and talk. I don’t think the same can be said of Gachagua’s  principle,” she said.

Asked whethere there was need to re-look the Constituion to avoid future altercations between the President and deputy, Karua noted it is unncessary.

“I think the way the Constitution is you disagree in-house you resolve it. I do not think there’s anything that cannot be resolved unless if it’s something that is unconstitutional that is being demanded of me. I will remember my oath under the Constitution that there are things if they’re outrightly illegal. I certainly cannot be party too, but happily my principle is a believer in the rule of law and constitutionalism,” she said.

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