Morocco: Combating Hate Speech Requires Sustained, Inclusive Commitment (Fez Symposium)

Fez — Combating hate speech requires a sustained and inclusive commitment and increased efforts by UN member states, stressed participants in a high-level international symposium held in Fez (July 20-21), on the occasion of the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors on Preventing Incitement to Violence that could lead to Criminal Atrocities (Fez Plan of Action).

During this conference, initiated by the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights and the Rabita Mohammadia of Ulemas, in partnership with the United Nations Office for the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect (OSAPG), participants said that efforts must be accompanied by initiatives at the local, national and international levels involving religious leaders.

They noted the importance of the Fez Action Plan as a "pioneering document and a lively and responsive roadmap for the protection of the UN pillars of peace and security, respecting and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms, and stimulating sustainable development for all.

Quoted in a joint statement of the organizers issued at the end of the Symposium, participants called for greater efforts and resources to be allocated to support implementation, with special attention paid to supporting religious leaders and faith-based organizations and women and youth of faith.

They also stressed that it was critical that Member States remained fully engaged and supportive of the Fez Plan of Action, in line with General Assembly resolutions on Promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue and tolerance in countering hate speech.

Furthermore, they recommended a stronger collaboration with international and regional human rights mechanisms as well as the United Nations field entities to foster the implementation of the Fez Plan of Action.

Participants also called to translate the Plan of Action widely, including local languages, and allow access to people with disability to increase its outreach and impact in local contexts, where it is needed the most. In addition, they urged for implementation efforts to be mapped out, monitored, and evaluated.

The symposium also focused on good practices and lessons learned from the implementation of the "Fez Plan of Action" and examined ways and mechanisms for implementing the document to support international efforts to establish a foundation for peace and security, promote human rights and foster sustainable development.

For two days, participants focused on multiple topics, including the role of religious leaders in promoting peaceful, inclusive and just societies, strengthening support for the implementation of the Fez Action Plan at the international level, gender approach in further implementing the Fez Action Plan, especially through empowering and enhancing the role of women and youth, highlighting experiences and best practices.

The meeting was attended by senior UN officials, representatives of the UN system and other international organizations, Moroccan government officials, religious actors from the Rabita Mohammadia of Ulema, representatives of the civil society, experts and other stakeholders who have contributed to the development and implementation of the "Fez Action Plan".

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