Tanzania: Concerns Rife As Construction of Girls' School Delays

MINISTER of State in the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments Mr Innocent Bashungwa, has expressed dissatisfaction over the slow pace in construction of the girls' secondary school in Karagwe District.

He therefore directed the contractor to ensure that the project is completed before December 30 this year.

The minister issued the directives on Wednesday when he made a spot inspection of the project at Rwambaizi village, in Karagwe District. The project is expected to cost 3bn/- upon completion.

Mr Bashungwa, who is also Karagwe MP, explained that the project has reached 67 per cent, thus more efforts should be made to ensure that it is completed before the December 30 deadline.

"President Samia Suluhu Hassan recently allocated 3bn/- for the construction of the government-owned girls' secondary school. The contractor should work day and night to complete the project on agreed time to allow students to be enrolled in January next year," he said.

He explained that all uncompleted work includes 16 classrooms, five dormitories and an administration block must be completed as agreed.

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