Uganda: Police to Crush Planned Protests Over High Fuel Prices - Ask Public to Ignore Them

Police have asked members of the public to ignore calls for protests over skyrocketing food and fuel prices in the country.

Unknown people have in video, audio and text messages especially on social media warned that starting tomorrow Monday, to July, 27 there will be protests over high fuel prices and have since asked the public to stay at home.

However, in a statement issued on Monday morning, Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said security is aware of the individuals behind the messages aimed he said are aimed at promoting hate, panic and fear, among Ugandans and visitors in the country.

" The authors of the recordings in an aggressive tone, further issue threats of attack to persons, who are against their stay-at-home orders. After the 3 days, they claim their alleged protests will transition, into open street demonstrations and mass uprisings, to purposely cause change in government. These are illegitimate and unconstitutional means that we do strongly condemn," Enanga said.

He equated them to similar messages sent out in the aftermath of the 2021 general election in which members of the public were asked to protest against the outcome of the presidential election in which NRM's Yoweri Museveni was declared winner to beat NUP's Robert Kyagulanyi , his closest rival.

Enanga said unlike previously where planners hinged their protests on the outcome of the election to rally the public for "street violence and civil uprisings", "this time, they are using the surge in commodity and fuel prices to call for violence."

"Many countries, including the most developed countries, are grappling with inflation as well, as they strive to return to normalcy. We therefore, urge all Ugandans and visitors in the country, not to get swayed by the fear tactics, mongering and inflammatory rhetoric, by the selected individuals, political groups and sponsored bloggers. They should instead look for better ways of expressing their dissatisfaction about the economy, without fronting violence. "

As the joint security agencies, we want to reassure all Ugandans and visitors in the country, that we remain steadfast and committed, to protecting the lives and properties of each and everyone. Our task teams are ready to prevent, deter, stop and prosecute all perpetrators behind these scare tactics, aimed at causing violence and civil uprisings."

High prices

In the past three months, the prices of most items in the country as it is in most parts of the world have been in the roof, a situation partly blamed on the Russia-Ukraine invasion.

In his address to the country on Wednesday, President Museveni offered no short term solutions to the problem of skyrocketing prices caused by the high fuel prices.

Whereas a number of countries have provided subsidies, Museveni insisted that treading this line would be suicidal since it would make people feel comfortable when they are not.

"When you subsidise, you mislead people to think that there is plenty and they fail to economise what they have, in the long run, you deplete your reserves. This pressure to use the little money we have to subsidise problems, we would rather use it to get out of problems that we have. That will make people feel comfortable when they are not," Museveni said.

"If you subsidize or cut taxes, you mislead people. They get used and stop living within their means and in the end you may transform high prices into total shortage. There is a difference between high prices and a shortage of commodities, so which is better? In this situation, the biggest challenge is that we can no longer have plenty. Taxes are meant for development. We want to build new roads and other projects and when we cut taxes or subsidize commodities, the projects are stopped and money is taken for eating and buying fuel to drive cars."

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