Angola: Elections 2022 - Profile of the Head of APN List

Luanda — Quintino Moreira is the leader of National Patriotic Alliance (APN) in the general elections scheduled for 24 August.

Quintino Moreira was born in the municipality of Dembos, northern Bengo province, on August 15, 1968. He is the son of a war veteran and is married to Nádia Patrícia da Silva Cunha.

He has a degree in Law, in the Juridical-Political option, from Jean Piaget University.

Postgraduate in Management and Conflict Resolution from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Agostinho Neto University (UAN).

He was a MP of National Assembly and a member of the Council of the Republic in the 2008-2012 legislature.

In his political career he was founder and President of the New Democracy-Electoral Union (ND) party. Spokesperson for the POC (Civil Opposition Parties).

Quintino Moreira was a candidate for President of the Republic in 2012 and 2017 elections.

Elections 2022: APN History

Luanda - The National Patriotic Alliance (APN) founded by Quintino Moreira in 2015, almost two years after the extinction of New Democracy - Electoral Union (ND), a coalition of six political parties that won two MPs.

The APN, whose recognition dates back to August 12, 2015, put itself forward as candidate for the national electoral race in August 2017 for the first time and has defined itself above all as a party focused on the young electorate.

Ideological guidance:

This political party defines itself as a center-left party

Participation in elections and percentage won:

In 2017 (0.5% of the votes, not electing a MP).

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