Angola: Profile of the President of P-Njango

Luanda — Eduardo Jonatão Samuel "Dinho" Chingunji is the president of the P-Njango party, one of the two political parties that emerged this year in the Angolan political panorama.

Here is the candidate's profile:

Eduardo Jonatão Samuel "Dinho" Chingunji was born on September 7, 1964 and is the son of Samuel Piedoso Chingunji, also known as "Kapessi Kafundanga", co-founder of UNITA and first Chief of General Army Staff of the FALA.

He studied Civil Engineering at Southbank University, London

His political career began in UNITA, where he served for several years and within which he lost all his brothers in mysterious circumstances.

Rumours attributed their deaths to assassination plots ordered by UNITA's leader at the time, Jonas Savimbi.

Resettled in London because his life was allegedly at risk, he was invited to return to the country as part of the reconciliation process between the party and his family, and served as Minister of Hotels and Tourism under the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation (GURN), appointed by UNITA party.

In 2008, he decided to leave the party in which he had grown up, because the reconciliation process had supposedly not been effective.

After the death of Jonas Savimbi in 2002, Dinho Chingunji, together with Isaías Samakuva and Paulo Lukamba, ran for the ninth Congress of this political party in June 2003, which he lost to Samakuva.

This year, he founded the P-Njango, which is participating for the first time in the country's general elections.

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