Angola: Elections 2022 - Unita Calls for Reinforcement of Social Policies

The opening of the electoral campaign of UNITA and the United Patriotic Front (FPU) in the municipality of Cazenga in Angola (file photo).

Luanda — The UNITA candidate for President of the Republic Adalberto Costa Júnior reiterated this Monday his commitment to strengthen the country's social policies and work with everyone, based on merit, if he wins the elections on 24 August.

Speaking during the airtime on National Radio station (RNA), the politician expressed his desire to see his electoral project materialized, based, among several reforms, on the establishment of an inclusive and participatory government.

He said that the time has come to do something different and better, having, for that purpose, asked for a "massive vote" for his party.

"It is urgent to strengthen social policies that require a different project. We want an equal Angola for all, developed and that makes us all proud. We will work hard, but for this to become a reality I ask everyone to vote massively for UNITA", he said, stressing that the path is towards prosperity.

In its electoral manifesto, made public last Saturday, UNITA plans the reform of the State and places among its priorities the fight against hunger and poverty, promotion of housing, as well as promises to invest in education and health.

The programme also aims at universal access to health care, the construction of health posts and the eradication of malaria.

In the economic chapter, the manifesto highlights sustainable development measures, through fiscal policy and economic stabilisation, infrastructure, transport, telecommunications, energy and water, agriculture, livestock, industry, commerce, tourism and employment.

UNITA is one of eight candidates in the elections on 24 August, for which more than 14 million voters are expected to participate.

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