Kenya: I Will Bring Back Money Stashed Abroad, Sever Ties With Tax Havens - Mwaure

Nairobi — Agano Party's Presidential Candidate David Mwaure has vowed to use all the necessary international policies to return back money that has illegally been stashed abroad.

Speaking during the presidential debate at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa on Tuesday, Mwaure stated that over Sh20 trillion is held in foreign countries at the expense of Kenya's development.

"In the budget of 2017-2018 the then Cabinet Secretary for treasury said there was about Sh14.6 trillion which was stashed abroad and needed to be brought back. To date, that money has never been brought back and we have not had a report," Mwaure said.

"Five years have gone by and in my consideration we have not less than Sh20 trillion. Let us bring our money back and develop the country," he added.

He further stated that he will not hesitate to cut diplomatic ties with countries which will not cooperate with the government in his bid to return money stashed abroad.

"Imagine you are a nation and you are holding 10 trillion shillings that belongs to Kenya. What then can we talk about? Human rights? What more human rights? We are not in a state of war. Kenyan wealth is being used to develop other nations, it is immoral, and it is wrong," Mwaure said.

"You are not a friend of Kenya, if you are not using Kenyan money to develop your own country."

Mwaure pointed out that his stab at the presidency is meant to save Kenyans from leaders who have failed to deliver on their promises.

"I am tired like Kenyans are, I am disappointed by the leadership we have had so far. I am also one of those Kenyans who have sat back and looked at the leadership who want to come back. A lot of us and Kenyans out there are asking why we have to recycle them," he said

Mwaure noted that leadership is about taking care of Kenyans and creating a way for them to thrive saying his stab at the presidency is a defining moment for the country.

He added that Kenya has the potential to be competing with the developed world with the right leaders in power.

The Agano presidential flagbearer expressed regret over the high cost of living in the country and the state of the affairs in the country including the high unemployment rate.

In his manifesto, Mwaure singled out the fight against corruption as his main agenda blaming the vice for underdevelopment.

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