Somalia: Three Kenyan Police Officers Hurt in Al-Shabab Attack in Border Region

NAIROBI -- Three Kenyan police officers were injured Monday when al-Shabab militants attacked a security camp in the border region of Mandera, local police said Tuesday.

Northeastern Regional Police Commander George Seda said Tuesday the officers were at the El-Ram Anti-Stock Theft Unit camp when they were attacked by the terrorists at about 2 a.m. in Kutulo area.

"The injured police officers are out of danger," Seda told Xinhua on the phone, noting that the police officers were hit by bullets in the legs and stomach.

Seda said the officers in the camp fought back and repulsed the attackers who reportedly escaped toward the Kenya-Somalia border. Search for the attackers continued along the porous border following the deployment of more security forces.

On July 22, a team of security agents escaped death narrowly when their two vehicles ran over an explosive device in Mandera County. The team was driving from Fino toward Sheikh Barrow when their vehicles were hit by an improvised explosive device at intervals. The officers, however, survived and jumped out amid a gun attack by suspected al-Shabab terrorists who were waiting near there.

The terrorists have also been targeting communication masts in a series, destroying them in the same area. In the recent past, there have been numerous attacks involving landmines, grenades, or other explosive devices in northeast Kenya.

Most of these attacks occurred in northeastern Kenya, mainly in Wajir, Garissa, and Mandera counties as well as along the Kenyan coast.

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