Angola: Elections2022 - MPLA Highlights Investment in Health Sector

Luanda — The investment made in the health sector in the last five years, mainly in the construction of hospitals, topped MPLA's airtime on the National Radio of Angola.

In the ten-minute slot reserved for campaigning for the general elections on August 24, MPLA also discussed the construction of social infrastructure such as the schools, ports, airports.

It also referred to the installation of electricity and drinking water.

João Lourenço, the head of this party's candidate, said that the conquests achieved in 2017-2022 period, are not of the MPLA Government, neither of its President, but are of all Angolans who fight for the construction of a country with more health, education, and development.

He also announced plans for the investment in the oncologic forum in the next term, in addition to the investment in hospitals and the increase of the assistance capacity to kidney, heart and lung patients.

He recalled that, under the PIIM, health units are being unveiled in every municipality in the country. "We have done a lot, but we will do much more in the second mandate".

As for the personal transformations resulting from the first mandate, he said that there is today a more mature João Lourenço, more prepared, more knowledgeable about the strong and weak parts of the country.

General elections in Angola take place every five years and elect the President of the Republic, the Vice-President, and the MPs.

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