Angola: Elections 2022 - Fnla Suspends Campaign After Detention of Its Militants

Luanda — FNLA party announced Tuesday in Luanda a temporary suspension of its electoral campaign activity following the arrest of its 33 party militants on Saturday, Angop has learnt.

The announcement was made by the party's secretary general, Aguiar Laurindo, who said there are three candidates for MP of Parliament, one from the Luanda provincial constituency and two from the national constituency, among the 33 detainees.

The politician expressed his concern due to the fact of the arrest to happen at a time of the elections.

"On Saturday, the FNLA militants, as part of the pre-campaign, went to Calumbo (outside Luanda) for a march. On their way back, 500 meters from the party headquarters, the caravan came across with a group of motorcyclists who were being chased by the police," he explained.

He added that the motorcyclists, seeing their party's float with music and "since they were young, they approached and created a confusion that required the intervention of the police, who decided to gather them all and taken to a police unit."

Founded on July 7, 1954, under the name of UPNA, it evolved into UPA and eventually FNLA, and its ideology is Christian democracy, based on Angolan nationalism.

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