Kenya: Waihiga to Set Up Mental Health Department as He Opposes Legalisation of Marijuana

Nairobi — Agano party presidential contender David Waihiga has pledged to ensure health facilities in the country set up a mental health department to address the surging mental health challenges once elected to office after the August 9 polls.

Speaking Tuesday at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa while outlining his agenda for Kenyans, Waihiga said that mental health is a huge challenge for Kenyans who are battling stress for various reasons including the cost of living.

He tore into the Roots party presidential flag bearer George Wajackoyah's plan to legalize bhang saying it is one of the reasons why some Kenyans are suffering depression.

"Mental health is here it is with us. That is why I am opposed to the legalising of Marijuana. I have had people close to me suffering from mental health. It is real and it exists," he said.

Waihiga stated that his government will set up free toll lines where mental health victims can call for help and allocate more resources towards addressing it.

He said that there is a need for the government to be more involved in oversight of health issues.

Waihiga who debated after Wajackoyah withdrew pointed out that his stab at the presidency is meant to save Kenyans from leaders who have failed to deliver their promises to Kenyans.

"I am tired like Kenyans are, I am disappointed by the eldership we have had so far. I am also one of those Kenyans who have sat back and looked at the leadership who want to come back. A lot of us and Kenyans out there are asking why we have to recycle them," he said

The Agano presidential candidate said that Kenya has the potential to be competing with the developed world with the right leaders in power.

He pledged to fight graft and improve the quality of life of Kenyans once elected into office.

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