Kenya: Azimio Shifts Venue of Final Rally to Kasarani After Dropping Nyayo Stadium

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja – One Kenya Coalition Party presidential candidate, Raila Odinga has announced that their final Nairobi rally on August 6 will be held at the Kasarani stadium instead of Nyayo stadium.

Odinga made the revelation during a tour of Meru County where he disclosed his itinerary of rallies 14 days to the high-stake election.

“The day after tomorrow we will tour Nakuru, On Friday we will be in Machakos then proceed to Suswa and the move to Eldoret…..we will finally move to Mombasa and then to Nairobi at Kasarani grounds,” he said.

Azimio and Kenya Kwanza had laid claim to the Nyayo stadium venue for their final respective Nairobi final rallies this even as the government through Sports Kenya indicated that the venue had been booked for a prayer meeting.

Kenya Kwanza Alliance still insists that it will proceed to hold its final rally there after having already paid a fee of 1.5 million shillings to Sports Kenya.

Last week, Azimio Coalition Party had restated its claim that it would hold Raila Odinga’s final presidential rally at the Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi without producing evidence it had booked the venue.

Odinga’s Campaign Secretariat Press Secretary Dennis Onsarigo made the claim a day after Sports Kenya, an entity that manages sports stadia in the country, issued the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) a regret letter saying the venue was scheduled to host a peace concert despite having signed a contracted hiring the same to UDA on July 12.

“We regret to inform you that due to peace concerts scheduled to take place at both Moi International Sports Centre – Kasarani and Nayo National Stadium between August 5 and 7, the facility will not be available for your use,” Sports Kenya Director General Pius Metto, said in a letter addressed to UDA on Thursday.

Onsarigo however claimed, for the second time without producing evidence, Azimio would use the venue on August 6 notwithstanding UDA’s contract.

Azimio first laid claim to the venue on July 19, days after UDA produced a contract backed by a receipt in which Sports Kenya acknowledged payment of Sh1.508 million for the hiring of the sports complex.

UDA committed an additional Sh1 million refundable fee to cover any damages that my be caused while using the venue.

The Ruto-led outfit — a principal member of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance — issued an ultimatum to Sports Kenya on Thursday asking the agency to revoke the letter cancelling the contractual agreement.

UDA’s lead legal counsel Adrian Kamotho stated that the purported revocation of the contract is illegal saying they still have a permit to use the sports facility.

“For the avoidance of doubt, our client’s legal right to use Nyayo National Stadium on 6th August 2022. within the subsisting contractual terms remains unaffected by your Irregular letter,” he outlined.

Kamotho said UDA would institute legal proceedings against Sporks Kenya and its Director General if the letter revoking the contract is not rescinded by 2pm on Friday.

“TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that unless we receive your response along the terms of our demand by 2.00pm on 21 July 2022, we have strict, final and unequivocal Instructions to commence legal proceedings against Sports Kenya and Mr. Plus Metto, without any further reference to you,” he stated.

The new clash over the use of campaign venues is not new with Azimio having staked a claim on Jacaranda Grounds in Embakasi on June 19 when Ruto’s team had booked the venue for a campaign.

Although Azimio backed down hours to the scheduled rally, the rally witnessed pockets of violence that saw Ruto’s motorcade pelted with stones as he made his way to the venue.

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