South Africa: Eastern Cape Government Ordered to Reveal Secret Details of Permits to Kill Leopards

A leopard in the Kruger National Park, South Africa (file photo)

In what is seen as a dual victory for transparency and wildlife conservation, the Eastern Cape High Court on Tuesday ordered the provincial MEC for Environmental Affairs to disclose previously sealed records of all permits issued to trap, kill, hunt or translocate endangered leopards in the Eastern Cape since 2017.

'I believe we have lifted the lid on unaccountable government and possibly corruption in so far as how biological resources are handed down to private interests by state agents."

So said Bool Smuts, director at Landmark Foundation, speaking to Our Burning Planet following a court victory that is being seen as a dual achievement for transparency and wildlife conservation.

On Tuesday, the Eastern Cape High Court in Makhanda ordered the MEC for Environmental Affairs to disclose the department's records of all applications received and all permits issued to trap, kill, hunt or translocate any leopards in or from the Eastern Cape since 2017.

The judgment has seemingly brought to an end an ongoing legal challenge that has sought to demystify how hitherto secret decisions involving South Africa's rich biological endowment are made by public servants to benefit private interests.

The court judgment and associated documents, which OBP has seen, lays...

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