Kenya: Woman Who Sued Sonko for Child Upkeep Says Coerced to Tarnish Name in Exchange for Money

Nairobi — A Kajiado woman who sued former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko over child upkeep has withdrawn the case against him saying she was coerced to taint his name in exchange for money.

The woman had filed a case in court seeking Sonko to be compelled to pay a monthly upkeep of Sh448,450 accusing him of neglecting their child whom she had claimed he sired 15 years ago.

However, in a sworn affidavit, Collet Diane Lusuyi said Thursday that she was approached by two ladies from Mombasa County identified as ZUHURA and LATIFA who promised her Sh1 million to tarnish the name of Sonko by filing the suit.

In the affidavit Lusuyi went further to admit that that she was paid Sh240, 000 by the two ladies in cash.

"THAT I have since searched my soul on the matter, considered the suit against the Defendant and I NOW wish to unconditionally withdraw both the Chamber Summons Application and Suit both dated the 12th of May 2022 and further wish to extend my unreserved apologies to the Plaintiff herein and to this Honourable Court," she said.

She prayed to the court that the matter be marked as withdrawn with no orders as to costs which the court obliged.

"I can see the documents which were filed by the plaintiff, they are on record, I consider those submissions and I proceed to mark the suit as withdrawn with no orders to cost," Ngong Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Pamela Achieng who presided over the case ruled.

While responding to the suit in May, Sonko had claimed that the woman calling for upkeep money has a tendency of blackmailing men and uses the funds to go to parties.

He revealed that the woman had two other children who have since been taken by their father.

"Am kindly asking the lady alleging that she has my 15 years old kid to bring the kid to me just the same way her two other kids Jabali and Riley were recently taken from her by her ex boyfriend Austin who now stays with them at Langata coz huyu dame hutumiya watoi kublackmail ndio apewe doo ya kudunda 24/7,"Sonko stated.

Sonko stated that there is no cause for alarm over the issue of upkeep as he is ready to raise the child whether he is the biological father or not.

"Hata mtoto awe si wangu amlete tu kwangu ata saii nitamlea vizuri. Na pia madem wengine mkifeel hamuezi cope up na kulea watoi msiwadhulumu kivyovote, waleteni kwangu nitawalea. It's hard but fun being Mike Sonko.

(Even if the child is not mine, she should bring him to me. I will raise him well. And ladies if you feel you can't cope up with raising kids bring them to me. I will raise them. It's hard but fun being Mike Sonko.)

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