Kenya: Ruto Release Campaign Video to Urge Supporters to Come Out and Vote

Deputy President William Ruto.

Nairobi — With 11 days to next month general election, the United Democratic Alliance flag bearer William Ruto has unveiled a campaign video with a message to the electorate to turn up and vote come the ballot day.

As he commences his 21 campaign rallies just before the polls, Ruto in the video making rounds in the social circle urged Kenyans to make a choice that will liberate them from issues facing them 59 years after independence by offering equal opportunity for everyone.

In the two minutes video captured in a background painted 'Hustlers, Freedom' which have been the mantras of his campaign, he highlighted key pointers of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance manifesto which include economy liberalization education and health.

"This is what we must change; I am not promising you perfection. I am promising you and your children equal opportunity, a level playing field, don't give up on yourself and your children," Ruto stated in the video.

In a campaign video, Ruto us seen rallying the electorate to turn up and vote for him in the August polls saying the decision to protect the right and interest of the generation to come lies with them.

We will make Kenya a country of everyone. William Samoei Ruto, PhD (@WilliamsRuto) July 28, 2022

"Don't give up on yourself; don't give up on your children. In their eyes I may be the son of a nobody but I promise to make Kenya the country of everybody," Ruto said.

Ruto launched his manifesto that was anchored on seven pillars aimed at transforming the country's economy using his bottom-up model.

The Deputy President said he will initiate the process of freeing the running of public affairs from conflict of interest within a month into office.

He also promised to fight corruption, extend the current fibre currency, and would also ensure that every home, hospital, and school gets attached to the grid of the internet.

The DP also committed to ending the illegal eviction of slum dwellers and stated that he would not allow unlawful eviction and that his government "will provide enough notice and provide compensation where necessary."

He said his government will complete the implementation of the 2010 Constitution, strengthen the rule of law, increase access to justice, and ensure respect for human rights while respecting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 16 which focuses on peace, justice, and strong institutions.

However, his critics say the Kenya Kwanza manifesto is general on the manufacturing sector and lacks details on specific actions to turn around the sector.

The alliance proposes value addition chains to various segments such as edible oil processing, dairy, electric vehicle, and plastic waste.

The manifesto says that "simplistic interventions such as banning mitumba will not solve the problem" of low production of local garments and textiles.

It promises to develop a supply chain for cotton raw materials since the industry imports more than 90 percent of raw materials from Asia.

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