Uganda: Chief Registrar Reshuffles Six Judicial Officers

Chief registrar reshuffles six judicial officers

The judiciary has announced a mini reshuffle that sees six judicial officers at the rank of registrars and magistrates transferred to new stations.

According to the chief registrar, Sarah Langa Sui, the changes will take immediate effect on August 8, 2022.

The changes have seen Rosemary Bareebe who has been serving as registrar, of Magistrates Affairs and Data management moving to the High Court.

Bareebe will be in charge of coordinating all the activities at the different High Court divisions and circuits.

Amos Kwizera who has been the registrar, Planning, Research and Development now moves to the Inspectorate and will be in charge of quality assurance in the courts.

The changes also see Flavia Nabakooza who has been at the commercial division of the High Court, replace Kwizera at the Registry of Planning.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Akullo who has been the deputy registrar in the Land Division has been moved to Mukono.

Furthermore, Christine Imalingat, the senior magistrate grade one at Makutu has been moved to Arua, while Angela Ayola who has been at Magistrate Grade One at Arua has been moved to the chambers of Justice F.M.S Egonda-Ntende.

According to Langa, the reshuffles are aimed at filling the gap left by officers who were elevated to judgeship.

She added that the changes are also geared at effective coordination, management and delivery of judicial services

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